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APRIL 2022

Week 17


AirAsia Malaysia reports 2.8 million passengers in March quarter

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April 29th 2022

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Capital A said AirAsia Malaysia flew 2.8 million passengers in the three months to March 31. Read More » The numbers were more than five times the 497,742 passengers flown in the same months in 2021. The increase was largely the result of the LCC’s resumption of domestic routes following an easing of travel restrictions. Capacity rose 475% and passenger load factor was up one percentage point to 74%. There also was improvement at Capital A's other LCCs. AirAsia Philippines achieved growth of 233% , to 560,849 passengers, and AirAsia Indonesia had a 22% increase in customers transported for the quarter, to 380,496. Also, as reported earlier this week, AirAsia Thailand passengers carried rose 48%, to 1.5 million. "Air travel revival is well underway," Capital A said.

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