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MAY 2022

Week 20


Asiana Airlines returns to profit on strong cargo and international passenger demand

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May 19th 2022

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South Korean carrier, Asiana Airlines, has posted a 36.4 billion won (US$28.7 million) net profit for the three months to March 31, returning to profitability from a net loss of 230.4 billion won in the same months in 2021. Read More » Revenue rose 46.4%, to 1.1 trillion won, Asiana said, and added the improved performance was due to a recovery in international markets and healthy cargo sales. The Star Alliance member reported an operating profit of 176.9 billion won for the quarter compared with an operating loss of 11.2 billion won in the corresponding year-ago. It was the company's fourth consecutive operating profit. Asiana will increase flights to meet growing demand for air travel, responding flexibly to market conditions, it said.

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