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MAY 2022

Week 20


Singapore Airlines CEO says 777-X delay will not impede expansion

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May 20th 2022

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Singapore Airlines CEO, Goh Choon Phong, said the flag carrier's fleet plans had the flexibility to manage the delay in Boeing's 777-X program. Read More » The airline has ordered 31 777-Xs. The new aircraft will not be delivered until at least 2025 following Boeing’s recent announcement that entry-into-service of the next generation wide-body had been pushed back. Goh did not believe SIA's growth plan would be severely hampered by the delay, he said in a briefing on Thursday, and added the airline will be able to make up for any potential [interim] loss of capacity in its fleet. More immediately, the airline group, Singapore Airlines and Scoot, forecast the operation of 1,100 flights a week by September compared with 460 services weekly in July 2021.

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