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Week 44


AirAsia parent Capital A recruits advisors for financial regularisation

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November 2nd 2022

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Capital A, the parent company of the AirAsia group of airlines, has engaged RHB Investment Bank to assist in formulating or evaluating potential proposals for its financial regularisation. Read More » Also, the company has informed the Bursa Malaysia it has engaged Adnan Sundra and Low as due diligence solicitors, Deloitte Corporate Advisory Services as the independent valuer, Ernst & Young as the reporting accountant and BDO Consulting as the internal control reviewer. An independent market researcher and an independent advisor will be announced shortly. “The company has approximately two months to submit its regularisation plan to the relevant regulatory authorities for approval,” Capital A said. The Bursa Malaysia issued Capital A with a Practical Note 17 (PN17) notice because of its financial position. The notice requires companies to submit and receive approval for a financial regularisation plan within a specified timeframe to remain trading on the exchange.

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