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Week 45


Boeing outlines delivery and long-term aircraft outlook at investor day

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November 7th 2022

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Boeing chief financial officer, Brian West, speaking at an investor briefing, said the air framer expected customers to receive 400-450 737 family aircraft and 70-80 787 family aircraft in 2023. Read More » Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO, Stan Deal, said he anticipates the “closure of certification by late 2023 or early 2024 for the 737 MAX 10” and the 737 MAX 7’s certification in late 2022 or early 2023. The 2025 timeline for first delivery of the 777-9X is unchanged. The 777-8X is expected to follow at the end of the decade.

Boeing CEO, David Calhoun, said the OEM will not launch a new aircraft design until the 2030s. “There will be a moment in time when we will pull a rabbit out of the hat and introduce some new airplanes sometime in the middle of next decade,” he said. “If it does not have a sustainability wrapper all around it, if it cannot meet emissions tests and it cannot deliver significant performance advantages, then there will not be an airplane.”

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