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Week 46


Hong Kong Airport posts 43.8% improvement in passengers after quarantine rules relaxed

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November 14th 2022

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Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) reported 755,000 passengers through Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) in October, an improvement of 43.8% from 525,000 passengers in September. Read More » The latest results are more than five times higher than the 138,000 passengers processed through the airport in the same month in 2021. “Growth in passenger throughput was mainly driven by increases in Hong Kong resident and visitor traffic following the relaxation of local quarantine measures,” AAHK said. “Passenger traffic to and from Southeast Asia experienced the most significant increase.” In contrast to passenger growth, AAHK said cargo handled through HKIA declined by a quarter for the month. “Cargo volume is continuing to be impacted by global economic uncertainties, on-going geopolitical tensions and disruptions to global supply chains,” the AAHK said.

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