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Week 49


Airbus announces 700 aircraft delivery target “out of reach”

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December 8th 2022

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Airbus has dropped its delivery target of 700 commercial aircraft for 2022, describing it as “out of reach”. Read More » The air framer's latest figures report it has delivered 565 commercial aircraft to 72 customers in the first 11 months of 2022, 135 aircraft short of its 700 aircraft delivery target with only a month remaining in the year. “The final figure is not expected to fall materially short of the 'around 700' delivery target,” Airbus said. The company also is establishing the processes for lifting its production rate of A320 family aircraft to 65 a month in 2023 and 2024 after “taking into account that this complex environment will persist longer than previously expected”. The goal of rolling 75 A320 family aircraft off the production line a month by mid-decade is unchanged, Airbus said, as its financial guidance of 5.5 billion euro (US$5.8 billion) in adjusted earnings before interest and tax and 4.5 billion euro of free cash flow before mergers and acquisitions and customer financing, in 2022.

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