A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

MAY 2023

Week 21


China reports 9.1% increase in domestic passengers for April

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May 23rd 2023

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Airlines in China flew 48.7 million domestic passengers in April, up from 44.6 million passengers flown in March. Read More » The April total was more than six times higher than the 7.8 million domestic passengers Mainland carriers flew in the same month in 2022, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) reports. Domestic passenger load factor for the 30 days was 75.9% against 74.7% in March and 57.7% in April 2022. Compared with pre-COVID-19 operations, airlines in China carried 103.4% of the 47 million domestic travellers they transported in April 2019.

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