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MAY 2023

Week 21


Recovery in Asia-Pacific ticket sales lags global peers: IATA report

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May 24th 2023

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The region’s air ticket sales from May to September are projected to be 77% of pre-COVID-19 numbers, International Air Transport Association (IATA) data shows. Read More » This year, Europe is expected to hit 91% of pre-pandemic air fare sales and North America 99%. At present, the industry wide average is 92%,

But IATA said the Asia-Pacific is catching up fast. “China's decision to reopen its aviation markets from January has been instrumental in fuelling traffic growth globally, particularly in the Asia-Pacific. The region is now experiencing the largest year-on-year increase in ticket purchases,” IATA said. “Despite starting from a low base in 2022, the sheer scale of China's domestic and international markets has significant implications for regional and industry-wide air traffic recoveries.”

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