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Regional Round-Up

Asia-Pacific carriers lead global cargo growth

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November 1st 2014

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In the next five years, the fastest growing air cargo routes will be between the Asia and the Middle East, at 6.2% per year, said the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in its new industry forecast to 2018. Read More »

Projected international freight volumes should increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.1% to 2018, said IATA. By 2018, six of the ten largest cargo markets will be in the Asia-Pacific.

The U.S. will be the largest market, at 10,054,000 tonnes, followed by China (5,639,000), the United Arab Emirates (4,974,000), Germany (4,763,000), Hong Kong (4,648,000), Republic of Korea (3,487,000), Japan (3,480,000), Britain (2,808,000), Taiwan (2,350,000) and India (2,223,000).

IATA said China, the UAE and the U.S. will each add more than 1 million tonnes of freight to the market by 2018 compared with today and the UAE will replace Germany as the world’s third largest air cargo market in five years.

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