A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

JULY 2023

Week 28


Hong Kong International Airport “ready to fly high again”

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July 10th 2023

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Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) chair, Jack So Chak-kwong, has declared Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) “ready to fly high again” following “an encouraging rebound” in passenger traffic since the removal of the region’s pandemic-related travel restrictions. Read More » “With the worst behind us, we are stimulating passenger demand and reviving airport businesses with several initiatives, including a campaign to give away 500,000 air tickets to travellers around the world,” So wrote in AAHK's annual report published last week. “The dawn of a new era brings a sense of renewed vigour. With the determination and resilience of our people, I am confident HKIA will scale new heights.” AAHK CEO, Fred Lam Tin-fuk, added: “We are working closely with the Hong Kong Government and our business partners to attract travellers to Hong Kong. As the recovery gathers pace, we are stepping up efforts to ensure the airport is ready to meet rising demand.”

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