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JUNE 2024

Week 26


Airports of Thailand reclaims terminal space at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi and Phuket airports

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June 24th 2024

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Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) is taking back terminal space at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi and Phuket airports from their duty free concessionaire and three government agencies to expand passenger waiting areas. Read More » The reclamation of 1,097.1 square metres at Suvarnabhumi and 491.2 square metres at Phuket is to go ahead after an audit of Suvarnabhumi and its own airport service quality strategy committee assessment of congestion at Phuket's international terminal. King Power Duty Free Company Limited and the Immigration Bureau and the Thai Customs and Revenue departments will be impacted by the decision. The reclamation of these areas might cause a decrease of office and property rents and other revenues, AOT said, but it had “prepared projects to increase revenue from other commercial activities”.

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