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Chu named next Cathay CEO

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September 1st 2013

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Ivan Chu kwok-leung (51), the chief operating officer of Cathay Pacific Airways and chairman of Air Hong Kong Ltd, will succeed John Slosar as the airline’s chief executive next March. Slosar, 57, will move up to group chairman of Swire, with responsibility for John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd, Swire Pacific Ltd, Swire Properties and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co. Ltd, following the retirement of current group chairman, Christopher Pratt. Read More »   

Ivan Chu: to take helm at Cathay in March

Chu joined Cathay as a management trainee in 1984 and has worked for the airline at its home base in Hong Kong as well as Australia, Mainland China, Thailand and Taiwan.

Slosar, a graduate of both Columbia University and Cambridge University, joined the Swire Group in 1980. He became managing director of Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co. Ltd in 1996, managing director of Swire Beverages Ltd in 1998 and chief operating officer at Cathay Pacific in 2007. He was appointed the airline’s chief executive in 2011.

Pratt, who has been with the Swire group since 1978, will have been chairman of the group in Hong Kong and chairman of Cathay for eight years when he retires next March.

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