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MAY 2017

Industry Addendum

Embraer partners with Uber to develop flying taxis

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May 1st 2017

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Jet aircraft manufacturer, Embraer SA, and Uber have agreed to explore the Uber Elevate Network, which aims to assess the potential of small electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (VTOLs) for short urban commutes. Read More »

The preliminary partnership has been generated by the Embraer Business Innovation Centre, recently set up by Embraer in Melbourne, Florida and supported by offices in Boston and Silicon Valley.

“We firmly believe we need to explore several new business concepts that may impact air transport in the future,” Embraer CEO, Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, said.

“This is a unique opportunity to complement the air transport knowledge of a visionary and revolutionary ground transport company. We will be developing new technologies, new products and new business models which could generate opportunities for Embraer in the future.”

Embraer ‘s leadership roles in commercial and business aviation were attained through the introduction of disruptive aircraft and services. We are confident that our DNA will add value to new concepts in urban transportation as well,” said Embraer’s vice president for Corporate Innovation, Antonio Campello.

Along with Embraer, Uber has established partnerships with vehicle developers Aurora and Pipistrel, and Bell Helicopter and battery provider, Charge point, with the aim of conducting the first aerial urban taxi tests in Dubai and Dallas, Texas, in 2020.

Airbus’ innovation team has produced a conceptual image of a self-piloted take-off and landing passenger aircraft, Vahana, which will be electric powered.

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