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MAY 2013

Regional Round-Up

Chengdu Airlines pilots suspended for ignoring air traffic control instructions

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May 1st 2013

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The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) is investigating the actions of three pilots from Chengdu Airlines after it was alleged they put passengers at risk last month by using the aircraft’s autopilot to land in poor weather conditions. Read More »

Chinese media reported the incident took place on a flight from Sichuan to Nanning on April 5 when Nanning air traffic control staff repeatedly warned the crew to delay their landing because of poor visibility.

The cockpit crew ignored the instructions and did a “blind landing” (using autopilot). The plane was landed without injury or aircraft damage.

Using the autopilot option to land a plane is restricted because not all airports have equipment to facilitate safe use of the landing system. The pilots have been suspended from duty for misconduct.

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