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WiFi a win-win for Asia-Pacific airlines

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October 1st 2017

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A London School of Economics study, Sky High Economics, Quantifying the Commercial Opportunities of Passenger Connectivity for the Global Airline Industry, has forecast that the inflight broadband market will be a US$130 billion global business by 2035 and that the Asia-Pacific will be the biggest market of all for the sector. Read More »

Conducted in conjunction with mobile global communications provider, Inmarsat, the study said the Asia-Pacific would benefit from US$10.3 billion in revenue by 2035, from all sectors of broadband IFE. Europe would be worth US$8.2 billion for the same period followed by North America (US$7.6 billion).

Broadband ancillary revenue would come from broadband access charges, e-commerce and destination shopping, advertising and premium content, the study said.

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