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Week 47


Europe considers time limits on vaccines

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November 26th 2021

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The European Commission has suggested people who received their last COVID-19 vaccine shot more than nine months ago should no longer be regarded as covered for air travel. Read More » The potential twist in the vaccination rules would mean European Union (EU) residents will need to have a COVID-19 booster to avoid quarantine when travelling to another EU country. It comes as COVID cases are rising in Europe and some countries are reimposing restrictions. The commission is suggesting the new rule should apply from January 10 as part of wider moves to harmonize travel between member countries. Media reports said this would mean travel coverage for most EU residents would expire in the middle of next year unless they receive a booster shot. The current vaccination coverage in the EU is estimated at 65%. EU health commissioner, Stella Kyriakides, said it needed to be significantly higher. "We also need to reinforce our immunity with booster vaccines," she said. The commission has recommended all vaccines approved by the World Health Organization should be accepted across the EU to allow free movement between the 27 member nations.

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