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Week 47


Airports of Thailand extending discounts for concessionaires and airlines to 2023

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November 26th 2021

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Airports of Thailand (AoT) will continue until 2023 discounts aimed at helping its concessionaire and airline customers weather the COVID-19 downturn. Read More » The continuing assistance measures, to apply to all six of AoT’s airports, include reductions in concession charges, office and state property rents, terminal and building service charges, landing charges and parking charges. They were due to expire in March next year, but the AoT board decided to extend them until March 31, 2023. The airport company said in a stock exchange statement the government’s policy of reopening Thailand’s borders had not prevented large numbers of concessionaires continuing to terminate their contracts because of a lack of confidence. This was adversely affecting public services, it said, and added the AoT board was of the opinion a full business recovery was unlikely to be achieved in 2022. The statement pointed to International Air Transport Association forecasts that did not see a return to 2019 passenger levels until 2023 and noted airlines and concessionaires had been “constantly requesting” an extension of the discounts because they still had no confidence in an aviation industry recovery. Even with the discounts, AoT expected revenue to be 17.76% higher than it would have been if the measures were not applied. “Moreover, the total revenue will increase by 203.72% from fiscal year 2021,” it said. “In fiscal year 2023, AoT expects a 140.62% increase in revenue from fiscal year 2022.”

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