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Week 3


Malaysia Airports reports 30% month-on-month domestic passenger growth

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January 18th 2022

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Malaysia Airports said its airports in Malaysia handled 2.8 million domestic passengers in December, up 30% month-on-month from 2.2 million in November. Read More » International passengers at the company's Malaysian airports more than doubled to 320,371 as Vaccinated Travel Lane flights between Malaysia and Singapore began. “Looking at the demand generated by the VTL program, as evidenced by the sold-out flights, it is obvious such programs will be the catalyst for air travel recovery," Malaysia Airports managing director, Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood, said. "We also can see the same demand arising from the resumption of Umrah travel since October. Our December 2021 traffic performance is already at 41.6% of pre COVID-19 levels."

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