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Week 39


ACI director general calls for ambitious environmental agreement at ICAO assembly

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September 27th 2022

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Airports Council International (ACI) World director general, Luis Felipe de Oliveira, is urging delegates attending the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) 41st triennial assembly to be bold in setting out the industry’s environmental targets. Read More » “The adoption of an ambitious environmental agreement at the ICAO 41st Triennial Assembly, fully aligned with the Paris Agreement and the aviation industry’s own commitments, will demonstrate the leadership and commitment of ICAO and governments to taking bold measures to combat climate change,” de Oliveira said. “It is essential the aviation industry and ICAO States work together to support the objectives of the Paris Agreement and build a sustainable framework for the long-term development of the aviation industry. ICAO has shown such leadership in the past and it needs to demonstrate similar leadership for our collective future.” The airport lobby group will work with Assembly delegates to achieve an ambitious outcome, it said.

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