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Rocky path to Mainland market recovery

Commercial aviation worldwide has welcomed China’s about face on travel restrictions that has re-opened the country to the international airline market. But the January breakthrough has lifted the lid of a Pandora’s Box of practical and political challenges to rebuilding Mainland commercial aviation. Associate editor and chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne, reports.

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February 1st 2023

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When it comes to China, OAG chief analyst at the global provider of digital flight information, intelligence and analytics for airlines and airports, John Grant, recently said it in a nutshell. Read More » “We were all so frustrated. When was China going to re-open? Is it this year? What month? What quarter? Now it has opened it’s a bit of a damp squid. We are all thinking ‘well actually there’s a lot more complexity here than we originally thought’.”

Part of that complexity has been the reaction of various countries to the re-opening of the Mainland to airlines. With persistent reports of a new COVID outbreak ahead in China, many governments, including several in the Asia-Pacific, immediately imposed restrictions on arriving Chinese travellers, including pre-flight PRC tests and potentially compulsory quarantine. The reaction angered Beijing, claiming discrimination and it threatened to retaliate.

Additionally, airlines in the Asia-Pacific and beyond have a multitude of issues to resolve to restore their pre-pandemic China networks to full operation.

International Air Transport Association regional vice president Asia-Pacific, Phillip Goh, said the global airline association can see “a good ramp up in recovery” although the pace will depend on the flight capacity airlines can return in China, the number of inbound and outbound passengers in China and how rapidly airlines can deploy their manpower and aircraft to service.

Quite apart from the politics of border openings or restrictions for travellers, there are practical reasons why rebuilding China networks won’t be easy. During three years of a “closed door” policy, airlines directed capacity away from China. These schedules and forward bookings are in place and cannot be switched to China overnight. Grant forecast it will take around six months for Southeast Asia -China networks to return to pre-pandemic density. “The further away you go the longer it is going to take. Elsewhere, when you consider fleet planning, networks, slot access etc., it could take a year or even 18 months,” he said.

On the health front, Beijing was not alone in condemning the new restrictions of some governments. “Unfortunately, the reactions to China’s reopening of international travel reminds us many governments are still playing science politics when it comes to COVID-19 and travel,” the International Air Transport Association (IATA) director general, Willie Walsh, said. “Epidemiologists, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and other public health bodies have said the reintroduction of testing for travelers from China will do little to contain a virus that is present around the world.

“China’s objections to these policy measures are compromised by their own pre-departure testing requirements for people traveling to China. Governments should focus on using available tools to manage COVID-19 effectively, including improved therapeutics and vaccinations, rather than repeating policies that have failed time and again in the last three years,” Walsh said.

Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) director general, Subhas Menon, agreed. While China’s re-opening will markedly improve demand prospects given China’s significant trade and tourism links with the region’s economies and beyond, he said, “unfortunately, the re-imposition of travel restrictions by some governments for inbound travellers from China may hamper the smooth resumption of air travel patterns and result in confusion for many travellers.”

He added coherent, harmonized travel measures, in line with established ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) guidelines, and close co-operation between governments and aviation stakeholders, are vital in ensuring a smooth and seamless travel experience, a plea that has fallen on many deaf ears.

Grant, talking in a recent webinar, Unlocking Global Travel: Is China the key?, described the new restrictions imposed by some governments as “gesture politics, being seen to be doing something”, he said.

There are other reasons why the China travel market will be slow to recover. Given the COVID situation, many Western travellers are reluctant to visit the country. Chinese citizens are keen to travel, but the sudden and recent set of new restrictions for entry into some destinations will deter them. Aviation consultant, Willy Boulter, a former C-suite executive at India’s IndiGo Airlines, said it is a world split in two. “There are countries very aggressively trying to attract back Chinese travellers, particularly in Southeast Asia. Thailand is the major one. Malaysia added only a temperature check for Mainland tourists. Indonesia has precious few constraints on Chinese tourists at the moment,” he said.

“Southeast Asia is opening up in a big way whereas countries like Japan and Korea are more nervous about welcoming Chinese tourists. I think it is because their domestic populations are very conscious of COVID and its spread. In Japan people are extremely nervous about a resurgence in COVID. They don’t want to see hordes of tourists coming in without appropriate checks and balances.”

ForwardKeys vice president insights, Olivier Ponti, said although Chinese New Year, in the last week of January, saw international travel rebound for the first time in three years, it will be longer before there will be a resurgence in Chinese tourists exploring the globe. “Scheduled international flight capacity is at 10% of 2019 levels. Due to approval requirements for traffic rights and airport slots, it will be difficult for airlines to gear up [to full capacity] in less than a few months,” he said.

“Secondly, average air fares last December were 160% higher than in 2019. Thirdly, some destinations, including the U.S., the UK, India, Qatar, Canada, Australia and all 27 EU member countries require a pre-flight COVID-19 test for Chinese visitors. Countries such as Japan, South Korea and Italy, can impose testing on arrival and quarantine for incoming Mainland travellers testing positive. Finally, a bottleneck processing passport renewals and visa applications is likely.”

“Pre-pandemic, China was issuing 18 million passports a year. It has issued none in the last three years. Acquiring a new passport in China will take time until the backlog is cleared. Some countries, such as Thailand and Indonesia, are welcoming back Chinese tourists with open arms. The Thai government expects about 300,000 Chinese tourists to visit Thailand in the first three months of this year. It has set a target of five million Chinese tourist arrivals in 2023, equivalent to 45% of the arrivals recorded in 2019. Other nations in the region are taking a more cautious approach.”

In a parliamentary statement on January 9, Singapore’s transport minister, S Iswaran, said Singaporean and Chinese carriers have applied to increase flights between the two countries following the news of China’s border reopening, but he said regulators will “progressively” review and approve these applications.

“Singapore will pace the resumption of flights, as it did when other countries reopened their borders, to ensure Changi Airport has the physical and operational capacity to support the anticipated flight and passenger flows,” he said.

At January 30, 38 flights a week were operating between China and Singapore compared with 25 weekly flights at last October 31, less than 10% of frequency pre-pandemic.

For European airlines in particular, rebuilding their networks into China is problematic. Firstly, most of them are banned from Russian airspace, meaning Europe-China flight sectors are two to two-and-a-half hours longer than in 2019. Slots pre-pandemic have expired and have to be re-negotiated.

OAG has calculated that for Lufthansa alone to reintroduce its whole Chinese program with the extended flight times will cost it about 600 days flying per annum. “No airline has 600 days of wide-bodied aircraft capacity sitting around doing nothing,” Grant said.

In addition, European carriers will have to operate at a huge disadvantage to their Chinese counterparts with access to Russian airspace. “Chinese carriers will be operating sector lengths of two to 2.5 hours less than their European competitors. “Their cost base is 30% lower than their European rivals already. I genuinely believe European airlines will be very cautious about re-entering the Chinese market, particularly when they have these disadvantages to carry forward,” Grant said.

There also are major issues ahead for U.S. airlines re-launching China-bound services. Executives at industry leaders, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, have taken a cautious approach to China’s travel recovery. In response to questions about Delta’s Asian capacity, Delta president, Glen Hauenstein, said the carrier was “not going to get ahead of itself in terms of China”. Capacity will come back in line with demand, he said.

Chinese and U.S. airlines operated a smattering of frequencies a week between their respective countries under COVID era travel rules which included caps on flight frequencies. United Airlines chief commercial officer, Andrew Nocella, has confirmed both governments must agree to remove the caps before flights could be added to schedules.

At the end of January, booking website, Expedia, reported U.S.-China and Europe-China searches doubled after the reopening announcement. But Cirium data for the same month showed global airlines were running at 11% of 2019 capacity to and from China. The numbers are forecast to improve to 25% by April.

The Chinese market is critical to aviation’s recovery. In 2019, China was the fifth largest international market. By 2022, China had slipped to 51st spot in global rankings with just 7.4 million international seats - just ahead of Ethiopia but behind Cyprus. By any measurement it is a staggering collapse in position.

“The current international market from China is just 7% of its pre-pandemic levels,” said the OAG report. “Although locally based airlines flipped a considerable amount of their capacity from 2020 to domestic services, the simple truth is the financial results have been crippling for many airlines.

“While the rest of the airline industry was reporting record revenues for the third quarter of 2022, China’s major airlines were reporting eye-watering losses: Air China lost US$1.2 billion - a cumulative year-to-date loss of US$4.6 billion. China Southern Airlines has reported year-to-date losses of US$2.4 billion. No privately run airline could absorb this collapse. All of which makes China’s removal last month of border international border restrictions a very welcome New Year’s gift to Chinese-based carriers. But will the easing have an impact as quick and as dramatic as often forecast? Probably not,” concludes OAG.

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Bridget Regan says:

June 27th 2024 11:07pm

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Anna Fowler says:

June 23rd 2024 10:16pm

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June 23rd 2024 01:29am

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Ronald Weiss says:

May 21st 2024 08:38pm

PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST remains the best credit expertise I have known. I had a mortgage loan on my credit report and 4 CC and AAoA 7.5yrs. I filed bankruptcy 5 years ago and settled with all of these. My credit score was EX-541, TU-564, EQ-591. My attention was called that they are still on my reports I recently got referred by my wife to hire PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST which I did, and he helped me fix my credit and increase my credit score to EQ-808, EX-802, TU-805. I recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone that needs to fix his/her credit to go through with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041. He is just the best. Kudos to the entire team.

Diane Wayne says:

May 8th 2024 10:51pm

I have a couple collection accounts that I want to get removed... I was going through a divorce and lost track of certain bills/paperwork. Also, I have completed student loan rehabilitation on my six student loans that went into default. I have been making on time payments with the new provider, but the old loans remain as closed/transferred with the negative payment history on them. Shouldn’t they be deleted since the same loans are now with a new loan provider? It is essentially duplicated reporting them, right? I am planning on getting married in a couple years and want to buy a house with my current boyfriend and with this stuff on my report I fear I won’t be able to do this. This was exactly my story until I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who did the magic by clearing all the debts and raised my score to 800+ across the bureaus and even added some positive tradelines on my report. I was able to get a good house with a very low interest rate. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me...... Text +1 (409) 231-0041 for clearing of debts and more just the way I did or Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

Adira Juani says:

April 22nd 2024 09:11am

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Peter Moseley says:

April 15th 2024 09:04pm

Have you guys ever checked out PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? I’m knocking on my 30s doors (29y/o). I was obviously careless and irresponsible in my 20s but wanted to turn my ship around before my 30s. I had a credit score of 580 (Equifax), 527 (Experian), 503 (TransUnion). $2.2K in credit debt with a limit of $2.9, so high utilization, 3 cards in collections. Well, I also had about 14 closed accounts 4 of which have been paid off but still were still on my report. I do have an auto loan and student loan. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, he helped me raise my score by 231 points and marked all debts as paid on time, he also deleted all collections from my credit report thereby giving me a new slate within a few weeks. Contact him directly by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call +1 (409) 231-0041.

Jeffrey Meade says:

April 6th 2024 07:14pm

After my marriage 3 months ago, I applied for a home loan, so that my wife and I could move to a better apartment, but I got a negative reply, which I was told was because of my credit score. When I pulled my score, it was below average. I have a $10,000 student loan, some credit card debt, charge-off and an eviction. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me erase all the above negative reports and boosted my score to excellent within 6 days. I’m recommending them to any person in need of credit assistance. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR their mobile: +1 (409) 231-0041.

Jason Herman says:

March 16th 2024 08:38pm

Hi everyone, I want to sincerely appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the dedication and time they put in working my credit. I had 4 charges off accounts (3 cc and 1 installment loan). I do have 2 cards with longevity and bad payment history though lower limits ($1200 and $850) and a car loan with 7 late time payments reflecting. During my financial struggles NFC closed the 2-credit card accounts I had with them. I also had a chapter 7 BK in 2020. I did have high utilization and few late payments (over more than 10 days late). The account closure dropped my scores because the balances took my utilization to 990%. I continued making payments on time until a friend read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on Quora and informed me, I contacted them after reading some testimonies about them, they ran my credit report, analyzed my credit score and determined which action will have the greatest impact. They raised my credit score to 803 and deleted all negative items on my credit report including the chapter 7 BK, within 6 days. They made it work and I have a clean profile now. My heart is full of gratitude. You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

Richard Morin says:

March 12th 2024 07:53pm

Today I called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and asked to have my BK7 removed from my CR, and they did. It was scheduled to fall off next year. So that’s that. A horrible chapter in my life but I’ve come out on top. So much wiser, better prepared for the future, and peace of mind where finances are concerned. Thanks to this forum and the good folks that spend their time here to share their experience and share the knowledge they got from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all your assistance, guidance and cheerleading. Especially in the early days of my rebuild. With my scores now in the 800’s I’m tempted to app just to know I’d likely be approved, but there’s nothing I need right now. A sincere thanks to all of you! Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

Patricia Nelson says:

March 5th 2024 10:57pm

My name is Patricia Nelson. I was in the process of rebuilding credit from divorce and unfortunately had my car totaled otherwise I would’ve kept my current auto loan and car. Previously I had Experian FICO around 674, with a similar auto score. My TransUnion was absolutely trashed, and barely 600 and my Equifax was in the 640s. I had no collection accounts, no charge offs, and two accounts paid less than agreed. I tried getting a loan on PNC but got denied. I needed help and found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, they're a good and kind credit repair team. They pulled my score to 801 Experian, 805 TransUnion, 809 Equifax and they added good trade lines to my credit report. I got everything I wanted and even more. Thanks to the entire team. Contacts: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041.

Lila Bradley says:

March 3rd 2024 09:58pm

Hey all!! You don’t know how relieved I am right now. I’ve been literally living on this forum for about 2 years learning everything I can to rebuild my credit. I was really in an embarrassing financial situation due to my poor credit score. When I started my scores were in the 560 range, everything was wrecked. Few days after I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum and contacted them, they increased my score and improved my credit profile by removing the evictions, charge off, late payment and DMV, today my Fico 8 are TU: 831, EX: 827, EQ: 769. Honestly, I don’t enjoy writing much, but I must let the world know about this genius that helped me. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. Thanks.

Erik Cooper says:

March 1st 2024 03:59pm

I was in the process of purchasing a house and they were something that was hurting my credit. Some of these items that were hurting my credit are: Affirm (30 days late 3/2023), Affirm (30 days late 4/2023), First Premier (scheduled to be removed 3/2024), Rent Recovery (Paid Collection) Never received prior notification of a debt. I asked this community because you guys are awesome with your advice, and I have been successful. A guy named David from this community spoke well about a credit expert called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped him remove medical bills and raised his score to 780 in a few days. I emailed him on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM and he responded ASAP asking me to text him on his personal number +1 (409) 231-0041 for further discussion. Well, I did and eventually got started with the project with him. I was amazed after a few days he pulled through for me and removed all my late payments and raised my score to 811. I just purchased the home of my dream, all thanks to him and his team for helping me. Contact him with the above email and number for your credit repair.

Carol Greene says:

February 28th 2024 04:02pm

I had to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST by their email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM and +1 (409) 231-0041. I have been working on rebuilding my credit after my divorce. I had 5 charge offs, I have four opened cards, only one if they have a balance but it's nearly maxed out. I had a CO with Amex from several years ago that is due to fall off in June with TU. I had other CO’s and collections from my divorce that took me from high 700s Fico to low 500’s. I was really in an embarrassing financial situation due to my poor Fico score which led me to meeting some imposters online who claimed to help but worsened my problems. I needed to raise my score a bit higher. It eventually paid off when I met PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST through a reference online (may God bless him). His work rate, professionalism and discretion are top-notch. He increased my scores and the negative items on my report in a relatively short time (6 business days) which finally got me the mortgage for my new house. Tell him I referred you to him…. All the Best!

Stephanie Wilson says:

February 23rd 2024 10:10pm

Hello everyone, I’m Stephanie Wilson from Florida. My score was 598. After quick research of a hacker called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST with numerous recommendations and that which my girlfriend Tabitha explained about with positive reviews. I contacted him explaining my problem. Duly he came up with a resounding proposal and guaranteed to fix my credit. Today I got a score alert of 803!!! The last baddie was finally removed!!! A collection that I never owed to begin with. It's amazing now all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I strongly recommend him for your credit fix. PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041.

Frank Jackson says:

February 9th 2024 03:47pm

I was lucky to find PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and they raised my credit from 580 to 801. Also, my parents have no established credit reporting. They went bankrupt like 15 years back. I started planning to help them rebuild their credit. Made them credit karma accounts, my dad’s was not reporting anything on TU but Equifax was showing 563, Experian 549 with one closed account, JCPenny from 1995. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the help, he also helped my parents raise their credit score to over 240 points and he made sure he deleted all negative items on their credit profile. I now have 100k in credit limit and plenty of massive cards that I now use very carefully, don’t miss payment. My parents are now financially safe. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your help! Here is his contact info: pinnaclecreditspecialist@gmail.com / +1 (409) 231 0041.

Timothy Petri says:

February 7th 2024 12:26pm

4 years ago, my scores were all under 600, and had been below 500 a couple of years before that. It has been a long road, but I finally got there! All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. They can do it for you too! Hit him up on email: pinnaclecreditspecialist@gmail.com OR Call +1 (409) 231 0041.

Steven Hoort says:

January 27th 2024 01:49pm

I had a $400 fresh account with Fingerhut, after realizing the amount of interest they were charging me (I didn’t know about credit at the time), I decided to close the account. I called the customer service phone number and requested the representative to close the account. Monday, January 8, 2024, I decided to check my credit report and noticed it has been open since 2020. Called the Fingerhut collection department regarding the account. How is it currently reporting open if I closed it in 2016? There’s a remaining balance of $495. My credit score was 502. I felt horrible and embarrassed. But my friend James introduced me to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION, a credit repair company and they helped me to raise my credit score to 810 excellent standard and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 8 days. He also helped me increase my credit card limit to $15,000 and placed some good tradelines on my report. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION is the best amongst all, and his service is fast, secured and reliable without stress. Contact him by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / +1 (713) 396 5299, for any kind of credit repair. They’re swift in responding to any question.

megan moroney says:

January 27th 2024 01:13pm

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James Wallack says:

January 26th 2024 09:55am

Hi all! I’m 29 years old. My credit started to tank around 2021 when expenses were outpacing my income. I got a lot of loan offers and foolishly took them, adding more expenses to my income. Didn’t help that I was in a relationship with someone who I greatly outnumbered and took on the burden of the bills to seem fair. Won’t be doing that again. I had a lot of collections and charge-offs from personal loans and CCs. From looking at my Experian I had several charge-offs that became collections and few that didn’t. Which all brought down my credit score to a low 586 score. I needed advice on rebuilding my score back to 700s. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative entries removed; charge-ffs and collections wiped out. Now: Jan 2024 my score is Equifax 801| TransUnion 808| Experian 811. Yes, it feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. My goal is to also obtain higher limits 5K-10K on CC which has finally been achieved. I’m happy to have come across DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION here, you can contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM Or text 1+ (713) 396 5299.

Melissa Conner says:

January 18th 2024 01:54pm

Some FICO hackers will delay you; some will scam you, but here is how I got my FICO score to 805 excellent score from as low 500, due to my diabetic condition I got a setback on my payments owing to medical bills, my world started falling apart because I wanted to rent a home and take some loans but couldn’t. I kept looking for someone who could help me fix my credit to no avail, until October last year when I met DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION through a friend whom they had worked for. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION boosted my credit in 6 days and restored my dignity. I was able to purchase a home. You can contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Call +1 (713) 396-5299. Only DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION can do it for you.

Darren Aronow says:

January 13th 2024 09:14pm

Hi, I’m Darren. This is not a drill; there is a group of hackers called DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION that can help sort all your credit issues. A high FICO score is very important and this company to the best of my knowledge understands how to make it happen, how do they do it? I don’t know but honestly, they did a great job of getting my credit score up to 806 excellent score. Not just that they also removed negative items on it and wrote some very positive ones. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION has done it for me and I want the word to know about them. Contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / TEXT +1 (713) 396-5299. Ciao!

Lindsey Dupius says:

January 10th 2024 11:44pm

Hi, guys, let’s talk about the FICO score, those important 3-digit numbers that determine your quality of life no matter your status. Well earlier in 2023 I had a really bad credit score. I would often surf the net searching for real hackers that could help increase my credit score. Well as expected I got swindled twice. Eventually I gave up my search and concluded that it wasn’t possible for hackers to increase credit scores. The good news is that I read on a credit forum about DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. I was pessimistic at first, but I decided to give it a try. To my greatest surprise, within 9 days DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION was able to boost my score to an excellent score, not only that they added some positive remarks on it. In conclusion, if you have a bad credit score you might want to contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Call (713) 396-5299.

Mark Blenden says:

January 6th 2024 08:26pm

I remember in 2023, my credit score was terrible, I had so many collection accounts and would not approve of anything. I had rental debt, charge offs, student loans, tax liens from my credit report. I was then introduced to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION by Michael Wayne who is my attorney. I immediately contacted them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / +1 713 396 5299. Within 9 days my credit score went up from 571 to 801 across the 3 credit bureaus and I’ve been able to get a home loan and eligible for several credit cards. I will always recommend DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION to anyone who desires to have a better credit life. Cheers!

Richard Harrell says:

January 5th 2024 07:18pm

I am Richard Harrell and I live in AZ. My most gratitude goes to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. Few months ago, I needed help with my credit. I had nowhere to run to. My whole life was in shambles because my current credit score was low 500, I wanted a higher score and negative items deleted although most of them I had no idea why they were there because I never opened accounts with credit cards. I went on the internet to search for help, and I found DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION the credit professional and I immediately contacted them through (+1 713 396 5299 / OR DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM). We got started with the process with some few questions and a little display of competency as a proof of legitimacy. The good news is that they did all they promised to do (deleted the accounts, erased all the inquiries and eventually raised my score to an 808 excellent score). Someone might be in a similar situation that’s the reason I decided to do this. Cheers!

Morgan Kennedy says:

December 11th 2023 02:27am

Mr. Jerry and I have worked together for many years now in a professional setting. I am a realtor and have clients in various stages of credit repair. Mr. Jerry is ALWAYS the person I recommend to my clients. His services are second to none & he has always done the best job in order to get my clients in a home as quick as possible when credit is holding them back. He has helped my family members, friends, & strangers I have met through my services. Thank you Mr. Jerry for caring about people like you do! You are making a difference!!! Reach out to Jerrylink Credit Group via: jerrylinkgroup@gmail.com or text 6265140620. Thank me later.

Morgan Kennedy says:

December 11th 2023 02:24am

Mr. Jerry and I have worked together for many years now in a professional setting. I am a realtor and have clients in various stages of credit repair. Mr. Jerry is ALWAYS the person I recommend to my clients. His services are second to none & he has always done the best job in order to get my clients in a home as quick as possible when credit is holding them back. He has helped my family members, friends, & strangers I have met through my services. Thank you Mr. Jerry for caring about people like you do! You are making a difference!!! Reach out to Jerrylink Credit Group via: jerrylinkgroup@gmail.com or text 6265140620. Thank me later.

Morgan Kennedy says:

December 11th 2023 02:18am

Mr. Jerry and I have worked together for many years now in a professional setting. I am a realtor and have clients in various stages of credit repair. Mr. Jerry is ALWAYS the person I recommend to my clients. His services are second to none & he has always done the best job in order to get my clients in a home as quick as possible when credit is holding them back. He has helped my family members, friends, & strangers I have met through my services. Thank you Mr. Jerry for caring about people like you do! You are making a difference!!! Reach out to Jerrylink Credit Group via: jerrylinkgroup@gmail.com or text 6265140620. Thank me later.

Grace Peterson says:

December 2nd 2023 12:52pm

I strongly JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP: I think they are the best in terms of credit repair. I had worked with different credit companies in the past, but there was no significant change on my credit report. So many credit forums recommended DYI, I tried every credit hack in the book all o no avail. A real estate agent introduced me to Mr. Jerry, who has been helping his clients. Mr. Jerry and his team helped me erase all the negative things on my report, and raised my score to excellent score across all three bureaus. I’m recommending as promised. They are available on gmail: JERRYLINKGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM or +16265140620

Joffrey Martinez says:

November 27th 2023 09:35am

JerryLink Credit Group has made a huge impact in my life. When I was in college, I unfortunately had to rely on my credit cards to help me with my expenses. By the time I finished college, I was unable to pay back a lot of those debts. As a result of that I ended up with a very low credit score and quite a few collections, so I sought out JerryLink Credit Group. They were able to make a huge impact on my credit score. It went from the 500’s to the 700’s in a couple weeks. I couldn’t believe it. With that help, I was able to do so much more, lower the interest rate on financing my car, and to get approved for a great travel credit card which has really helped us while planning our wedding now. It’s been absolutely wonderful and I’m appreciative because I didn’t believe this process. Recommending as promised, you can reach out to them via: JERRYLINKGROUP@GMAIL.COM or text 626 514 0620.

Bills Sarah says:

November 21st 2023 09:54am

I applied for a business loan and surgery loan for my daughter’s health early February, condition I was told I would be considered and contacted but never got to hear from any of the lenders. A credit repair agent said I would have to be on a 700+ score to be considered but never told how to get my score up to that in no long time. I had a 539 Score. I bumped into a credit review forum where PENTIUM TECHS was mentioned by many people who claimed he fixed their credit. I contacted the hacker out of curiosity and desperation on his email pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com we got talking and he gave me a week to delete collections and 2 charge offs. He also got my credit up to 765. I got the surgery loan and was contacted as regards the business loans I applied for. All thanks to PENTIUM TECHS

Shovel says:

November 20th 2023 06:03pm

Some couple months ago I was reading an article about this great Hacker, He is the best for credit score increase and credit report fix of any type. I will advise you all to get in touch with him for help, He helped me increase my credit card limit and also boost up my credit score to an excellent plus. His services are fast, secured and reliable without stress: PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM

Bobs Ernest says:

November 18th 2023 05:04pm

My family and I ended up homeless 2 years ago after I lost my job. I am a disabled combat veteran trying to buy a home. My family and I wanted to purchase a home but my poor credit score ruined every effort made to actualize that goal and it was a nightmare. I decided to look for help online and luckily for me, I ran into PENTIUM TECHS (PENTIUMTECHS@QUALITYSERVICE.COM), they were highly recommended for a quick and permanent credit repair so I hired them immediately. After 6 days, they raised my score to a whooping 791 and deleted all the negative items affecting my report. Thereafter, we got the house and we had a happily ever after kind of family story.

Lattimore says:

September 29th 2023 09:27am

Hello, I’m Leah, TBH having digital currency can be a confusing endeavour for some of us, but with the help of Pentiumtechs@qualityservice.com wallet hacks, they guide me through the process every step of the way. I took advantage of the exciting technology opportunity and got back all my crypto asset from scammers. Send them a message today to know more.

Maria Clarks says:

September 22nd 2023 11:34pm

FAST CREDIT REPAIR SERVICE I started the year with a bad credit score, lingering debts and derogatory record which affected my ability to finance a new home, including a new car. I tried a few credit restoration firms but all were abortive until I saw a post about HACK VANISH CREDIT SPECIALIST. I reached out to them and surprisingly they helped cleaned-up my derogatory and raised my FICO score to 782 across all three bureaus, within a short period of time I got qualified for a new home, and also purchased my dream car. Anyone with related issues can reach out to them for assistance via [Hackvanish @ Gmail. Com] or Phone: (2 0 9 ) 3 3 0 - 3 0 4 7.

Mateo Diego says:

August 30th 2023 05:29pm

I am age 46years, I was skeptical about fixing my credit with REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST. A colleague told me to try working with them which I contacted them through their email REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM . to my greatest surprise my credit was back to normal in all 3 bureaus, clearing a debt of $34000 in just 9days. I strongly recommend them to all who need credit solution

Alessandra Watson says:

August 22nd 2023 05:34pm

TROVIAN CREDIT REPAIR did a fantastic job in helping me get a home of my choice. I had bankruptcy two years ago. Everyone I spoke to said there was nothing they could do. So I contacted Trovian and listed all the negatives impacts affecting my credit report and how he could help me out. His responses were encouraging and he went ahead with the process, he removed the bankruptcy of 2yrs from my credit and every other thing that has been depriving me from getting a home and my score was high I got qualified for a FHA loan. He also walked me through the complete process and helped me get a $240,000 loan from my bank which I used to set up a new business for myself. I cannot say how grateful I am for his help and willingness to tell everyone out there about him. You can reach him with his direct details. TROVIANCREDITREPAIR@GMAIL.COM or text (424) 3074562. Thanks and may God bless you all.

Diana McGregor says:

April 17th 2023 11:14am

What can I say; I’m really impressed with their service. After using ovation for a while without any impact, I decided to give JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP a try. I’m blown away with their service! I can’t believe they deleted all my collections and raised my credit score. I’m at 780 credit score and I applied for a credit card which was approved with a credit line of $5k and our dream of owning a house will come true soon. Before this, I’ve never had a credit card limit higher than $300.I strongly recommend their services. You can reach out to them via JERRYLINKGROUP@GMAIL.COM

Diana McGregor says:

April 17th 2023 11:08am

What can I say; I’m really impressed with their service. After using ovation for a while without any impact, I decided to give JERRYLINK CREDIT GROUP a try. I’m blown away with their service! I can’t believe they deleted all my collections and raised my credit score. I’m at 780 credit score and I applied for a credit card which was approved with a credit line of $5k and our dream of owning a house will come true soon. Before this, I’ve never had a credit card limit higher than $300.I strongly recommend their services. You can reach out to them via JERRYLINKGROUP@GMAIL.COM

Leonard Gilbert says:

March 19th 2023 01:38am

Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy!!! Bouncing back from bankruptcy can be a bit dicey! I filed chapter 7 a year ago, my assets were liquidated and used to settle most of my debts, while most of the remaining debts were discharged. I found out to my dismay that my credit score had dropped drastically. I tried almost every card company but didn’t get approved, some interest rate were so outrageous that I had to decline. I was practically living from hand to mouth. A neighbor of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION a credit specialist who had helped him in the past. I contacted them and they helped me remove all the negatives from my credit report (including bankruptcy)! And raised my credit score to 700s across all three bureaus and also gave me guidelines to maintain my credit score. I’m so happy and grateful to them for this great help. I’m recommending their services as promised to anyone in need of credit related assistance. You can reach them via METRONETCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM or Whatsapp: +16265140620.

Jonathan Harold says:

March 16th 2023 12:58am

A key aspect of your financial life is your credit score. Higher credit scores increase your chances of being approved for loans and credit cards with the best terms, which will save you a lot of money and hassle. You're not alone if your credit score isn't where you want it to be. Of course, there are actions you can do to raise your credit score, such as making on-time payments on your bills and clearing previous debts. But due to the current economic conditions throughout the world, raising your credit score by making on-time payments on your bills and paying off existing debts may take an eternity. If you're determined to put an end to the horror (bad credit score), then I strongly recommend Metronet Credit Solution. They’re reliable, fast and secured, they helped me raise my credit score to excellent from the initial poor score. They’re available on Whats-app: +16265140620 and Email: metronetcreditsolution@gmail.com


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