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APRIL 2023

Week 17


Asia-Pacific airlines report 19.8 million international passengers for March

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April 28th 2023

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Asia-Pacific carriers flew 19.8 million international passengers last month, up 17.3% from the 17.2 million international passengers flown across the region in February. Read More » The March figure was 494.6% higher than the 3.3 million air travellers Asia-Pacific airlines flew in the same month in 2022, the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said. “Despite a more subdued global economic outlook, international passenger markets remain buoyant, as the rebuilding of travel confidence and return to face-to-face business meetings, continue apace,” AAPA director general, Subhas Menon, said. “Asia Pacific carriers expect to see strong revenue growth this year even though increasing cost pressures, led by persistently high fuel prices, would erode the earnings margins.” The March passenger total was 62.5% of the 31.7 million international passengers flown by Asia-Pacific carriers in pre-pandemic March 2019.

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