A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

MAY 2023

Week 22


Air New Zealand seeks volunteers for its five week passenger weight survey

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May 31st 2023

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Air New Zealand (Air NZ) is asking 10,000 passengers to step on the scales at Auckland Airport before boarding their international flights. Read More » The survey, which began on May 29 and is scheduled to conclude on July 2, is a Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand requirement. “We weigh everything that goes on the aircraft – from cargo to the meals on board and the luggage in the hold. For customers, crew and cabin bags, we use average weights, which we will learn from doing this survey,” Air NZ load control improvement specialist, Alastair James, said. “We want to reassure our customers there is no visible display anywhere. No one can see your weight. Not even us! It’s completely anonymous.”

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