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Week 40


Regional Express to launch loyalty program

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October 3rd 2023

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Australia's Regional Express (Rex) has lifted the curtain on a new frequent flyer program, Rex Flyer. Read More » The program offers Rex passengers the opportunity to earn points based on the dollar value and type of fare purchased and to qualify for sapphire, emerald or diamond status. “The program’s superior benefits mean we can at last reward our passengers for the loyalty they have shown us over many years as we have fought hard – often against almost impossible odds – to provide them with safe, affordable and reliable air services,” Rex deputy chair, John Sharp, said. Rex Flyer’s rollout will be staggered. Redemptions will be available from mid-November and membership tiers in place by February 2024. The airline is launching Rex Flyer alongside construction of new airport lounges at Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney airports.

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