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Week 34


Asia-Pacific passenger demand decline accelerated for second straight month

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August 23rd 2021

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The International Air Transport Association has reported the decline in passenger demand in the region increased for a second consecutive month. Read More » Asia-Pacific revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) were down 65.6% in June compared with the same month in 2019. The figure was worse than the 59.8% decline in May and a 57.5% fall in April. "The weakness was largely driven by a deterioration in some of the key domestic markets that experienced new virus outbreaks and travel restrictions in June," the IATA report said. "International travel for Asia-Pacific airlines remains subdued due to elevated travel restrictions that are the strictest among all regions." The airline lobby group said cargo tonne kilometres (CTK) rose 0.9% in June, compared with 2019 levels, up from a flat result in May but below the 2.7% improvement in April. "Even though demand for goods is still high, the region faces moderate headwinds from the lack of capacity and manufacturing PMIs that are not as strong as Europe and North America," IATA said. As of this month, there were 400 aircraft deliveries scheduled by carriers in the region for calendar 2021, up 50% from 267 aircraft delivered in 2020 but 21% below the 506 aircraft accepted by customers in 2019.

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