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Week 36


Seat capacity drops in Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific

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September 7th 2021

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Capacity at airlines in the Southwest Pacific, which includes Australia and New Zealand, fell 19%, to 720,382 seats in the week to September 6, from 889,402 seats a week earlier, figures from travel data company, OAG, show. Read More » It was the largest percentage decline among the 17 markets covered in the OAG report. In second place was Southeast Asia, where the number of seats declined by 12%, to 2.3 million, from 2.7 million a week earlier. Five regions recorded week-on-week seat capacity increases: Northeast Asia was up 4.3%, Lower South America grew by 2.8%, South Asia improved 2.4%, Central/Western Africa rose 1.3% and Central Asia expanded 0.7%. OAG said global seat capacity stood at 78.5 million in the week to September 6, down 31.6% from the same period in 2019. The report said airlines worldwide this week removed 24 million seats from their schedules to the end of the year. "Some of that is housekeeping, but some also is commercial reality," OAG said.

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