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Week 3


China Eastern Airlines reports 4.8 million domestic passengers for December

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January 17th 2022

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China Eastern Airlines (CEA) transported 4.8 million passengers on its domestic network in December, a 32.5% fall from seven million in the same month in 2020. Read More » On a more positive note, the December figure was up 11.8% month-on-month from 4.3 million passengers in November 2021. "In December 2021, with the increasing number of additional confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease worldwide and in the wake of Omicron variant reported in several countries and regions, the pressure on China for preventing the importation of cases continued to grow," CEA said. Domestic passenger load factor in December 2021 was 59.3%, compared with 69.2% in December 2020 and 58.6% in November 2021.

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