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MARCH 2022

Week 10


Asia-Pacific airline association backs ICAO’S condemnation of Russia’s violation of Ukraine airspace

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March 11th 2022

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The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has added its support to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council’s position on Russia’s violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and airspace, noting it was inconsistent with the Chicago Convention and severely impinged on the safe conduct of civil aviation. Read More » “Since 1945, civil aviation has served to promote global cooperation, peace and friendship," AAPA director general, Subhas Menon, said. “This is much cherished by the global community, even as we recall with sadness the downing of flight MH17 and the tragic loss of innocent lives over Ukraine as a result of military conflict in the region. We must not allow such a disaster to happen again. Indeed, we cannot take the safety of civil aviation for granted. All stakeholders must be urged to work closely together to ensure the safety of airline operations in and around conflict zones." Scores of airlines have rerouted flights following Russia's invasion of Ukraine to avoid Ukrainian and Russian airspace.

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