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MARCH 2022

Week 12


Hong Kong reviewing policy on route suspensions

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March 24th 2022

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Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) chief executive, Carrie Lam, said the policy of banning airlines from operating a specific route for two weeks if a certain number of people tested positive for COVID-19 after arrival in Hong Kong was under review. Read More » Lam acknowledged the flight-specific suspension mechanism was a constraint on capacity. "If an inbound flight carries a certain number of COVID-19 positive cases upon arrival, then it will not be allowed to fly [to Hong Kong] for two weeks. This is going to limit the number of flights inbound," Lam told reporters. "I can only say we know the problem and we are looking into how we can resolve this without compromising our border control measures." Hong Kong flag carrier, Cathay Pacific, said this week it planned to schedule only one flight a fortnight to many destinations because of the HKSAR government’s flight suspension rules.

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